A Triumph For All Reasons Part 2

By Unknown on 01:55

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The supporting cast of Noughts and Crosses provided backup to the principal players that was second to none.

The McGregors as Noughts in the drama were members of the under-privileged class of society.  Ryan the patriarch holds on to the tradition of being the man of the house, Jude the elder of the two boys with a jaundiced outlook of society seeking change through strife, Lynette  gentle and troubled who is probably closest to Callum and Meggie, the backbone of the family trying to hold on to and making sense of everything in an environment where at times right and reason had become secondary.

Kamal Hadley is a prominent politician heading for high office but for the moment he heads  a broken family having accused his wife Jasmine  of infidelity. She has now taken to drink as an escape from the life's woes. But  for Sephy and Minerva, perhaps hope for renewed sibling joy. Kamal has plans of his own which do not include his family once the elections are over but for now the problems of society and the family's troubles come to him.

All these elements had been brought together by drama tutors Gemma Heald and Helen Coney who at the end of the final show were presented with a floral and some edible tributes by the cast.

It was a production not to be missed and quite the best school play I have ever seen. I realise school days for me were quite some time ago but I really do not recall having seen anything as memorable as Noughts and Crosses. For those who had the misfortune of not being able to catch it, I know of a man who kept a video camera running through the second show.......... Alas, not me I hasten to add.

Further images may be found here

Enjoy my friends!!

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A Triumph For All Reasons Part 1

By Unknown on 18:12

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Noughts and Crosses was  tale of a segregated society and the pressures it bore on a young couple who despite their roots in opposing camps were to meet and fall in love amidst the disapproval of almost everyone in their respective circles. The Middle School production which culminated in shows on consecutive evenings last week too had it's own tale to tell since despite a relatively short time over which to prepare,  the cast and production staff ensured that a gripping, moving and professionally-executed show was presented to appreciative audiences on both nights.

Alice Tow was superlative in providing a narrative for each developing scene and took to her role in the lead character of Sephy Hadley a Cross, with determined flair and verve.

In Charlie Whitehead was Callum McGregor, Sephy's beau and a Nought, seen here with Lynette his on-stage sibling, the perfect opposite for our stage heroine, a figure who was to be torn between love, family loyalty and finally faced with a choice no young life should be asked to make.

Both Sephy and Callum would also have to endure turmoil at home, all of which pressures I'm sure would make almost any young teenager want to run away to boarding school!! Even there it seems the divisions in life would visit their unwelcome attentions on our teenagers in love.

Tragedy, mayhem and infidelity in the home along with the dark forces of social unrest follow Sephy and Callum throughout the path of their young lives when at last hope and love arise from an unexpected betrayal  though not before  a final calamity when Callum has to choose between saving his own life and ensuring one for his young child.

Noughts and Crosses was a triumph for many reasons, all of which had to do with people. The people on stage several of whom assumed multiple roles and those off it who directed and provided valuable technical support. In them would be found the root to the final triumph of Sephy and Callum.

To be continued.....

Learning By Experience

By Unknown on 15:11

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As part of experiencing a less-cumbersome version of a United Nations debate, students from Year 9 at Ellesmere College each representing a different country, were assigned the task of producing a policy on the issue of child labour as part of a focus on the world body's work at making humanitarian decisions.

Following several weeks of preparing their allocated country's policy, the students had to present the views of their individual nations prior to making alliances with the representatives from other countries, the aim being to have their resolutions passed at the assembly of member states. Thus there was much discussion

engaging debate

while alliances or highlighting differences

and voting,

prior to the final plenary meeting which was held in Big School

where under scrutiny by representatives of all the gathered nations,

final attempts were made to have resolutions adopted before the assembly of members.

It's fun even if it isn't always games, at SY12 9AB

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Armed and Extremely Dangerous....

By Unknown on 10:32

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You better believe it!!!

More here and to folllow

Now it's time to get down to more viewing and shooting :)

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