Ellesmere College Flying High

By Unknown on 09:59

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At the kind invitation of Nick Pettingale its' Director of Development, I made only my fourth visit in over thirty years to Ellesmere College in June this year, the purpose of which was to assist in producing a stock of images for their prospectus and website. While I was thrilled at the prospect of returning, I wasn't quite sure what to expect of my old alma mater. Three decades had passed and if I recall correctly, three changes of principals though I was very encouraged by the speech Brendan Wignall the current headmaster, gave at the Old Ellesmerian London Dinner earlier in March that this was a new Ellesmere that I would find.

From the moment I drove into the main courtyard there seemed something quite different from the old school that I left in 1975. There was a buzz about the place, a life and energy that was present even though the sixth form was on study leave and a proportion of the boarders had begun their summer holidays. There were flowers in the new carpeted reception, lit trophy cabinets and leather bound chairs. In these days of private cellular communications, gone was the coin-operated payphone. It was much tidier and more welcoming.

The main corridor was lit with fresh and colourful pictures adorning the walls, promising that much more would be revealed during my two-day stay of the Ellesmere that was once hidden from my view.

Welcome to my humble blog. Over the coming days I hope you'll join me in my journey as I explored my old school while on assignment in the process of which, discovered the light of its' bright and promising future.

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