Open Day at Ellesmere

By Unknown on 12:08

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October 9 was Open Day at my alma mater. Ellesmere holds two Open Days each year, designed for prospective parents and pupils to take in the college. The bright sunshine that was forecast was nowhere to be seen which was just as well for shutterbugs.

Much was on show including the junior lab which in my day was the sixth form bar. That said, there's more fun to be had these days in SY12 9AB as I'm sure we're all aware.

There was a display of musical instruments in the upper section of the Lower School which proved too tempting for this gifted young man.

while the new Shooting Academy had it's first public exhibition. Here Tom Rylands is assisting a young shooter with high tech aids. Next summer, Ellesmere is presenting a team for the Ashburton Cup in Bisley for the first time in over twenty years.

And don't tour guides just start so young these days?

For all who attended the event, there were treats at three

Have a sunny October day everyone!!!

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